Sunday, February 4, 2024

Time Does Not Slow Down For Anyone

      Most if not all of this blog was dedicated to getting my Mom's story and end of life journey with others in the hopes that something in the posts would be helpful.  I'm adding this post today after a break in posting to has been now SEVEN years since these blog posts brought more emotions than they do now.  I can say, though with much assurance that even though the pain of Mom's tragic story is not as severe, the hurt is still here, I've just learned a more thorough way to put things in perspective.  If you have read the previous posts and are now reading this one, I only want to assure you that while time may not erase a tragedy, it does have a way of helping people to manage the memory...or at least it has me.  After a while of being so sad or angry or frustrated, it is possible to have a memory where the emotions are not as raw and severe as they once were.  And that's a good thing.  It has the potential to not be so all-consuming and allows me the freedom to live more in the present.  So...I won't keep you any longer.  I hope and pray the best for you if you are going through a similar situation and trust that you find peace.  Or if you are facing some of the situations that I described ( as in finding a care plan) I pray that you can find the resources that will serve your loved one well and ultimately lead you in the best direction for all.  May you and your loved one age well!


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